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[Harman] 반도체 설계/Quartus

Verilog Projects.

1. 8x8 Multiplier


3. Avalon Bus Modeling

4. Avalon Bus : PWM

5. Avalon Bus : GPIO



8-Bit Multiplier.

Development Environment. Program : Quartus Prime 18.1 Lite Edition Tool : Modelsim 10.5b Starter Edition FPGA : MAX10 Grammer : Verilog2001 Objective. Design an 8-bit Multiplier module in Verilog and verify the results through simulation. Why? ALU는 CPU






Development Environment. Program : Quartus Prime 18.1 Lite Edition, Tera-term. Tool : Modelsim 10.5b Starter Edition. FPGA : Cyclone V Hardware Devices : De1-SoC Board, FT232BL. Language : Verilog2001. Objective. Outputs ASCII code on the LED of De1-SoC bo




Avalon Bus Modeling.

Development Environment. Program : Quartus Prime 18.1 Lite Edition, Eclipse Mars.2 Release(4.5.2) Tool : Modelsim 10.5b Starter Edition FPGA : Cyclone V Hardware Devices : De1-SoC Board. Grammer : Verilog2001 Objective. Design an Avalon Bus and verify read





Avalon Bus : PWM

Development Environment. Program : Quartus Prime 18.1 Lite Edition, Eclipse Mars.2 Release(4.5.2) Tool : Modelsim 10.5b Starter Edition FPGA : Cyclone V Hardware Devices : De1-SoC Board. Language : Verilog2001. Objective. Control PWM and adjust LED brightn





Avalon Bus : GPIO

Development Environment. Program : Quartus Prime 18.1 Lite Edition, Eclipse Mars.2 Release(4.5.2) Tool : Modelsim 10.5b Starter Edition FPGA : Cyclone V Hardware Devices : De1-SoC Board. Language : Verilog2001 Objective. Design GPIO corresponding to commer
